Summer Holiday Mindfulness Booking Form


Session Cost: £27
Full Payment is required at time of booking to secure your place.
Bank transfer (payable to: Co-operative Bank A/c 12306145 S/c 089103).
Please ensure you put your name in the reference box so your payment can be identified.


Well Being Questionnaire:

To help me support your child the best I can during the session, please complete the following questions. The information you give is strictly confidential and will only be seen by me. No information is held long term on any data base and all forms will be destroyed after the course.


Booking Conditions:

The following proportion of your fee, less a £5 admin charge, will be refundable if you cancel your child’s place on the session:
Up to 2 months before the start date: 100%
Up to 1 month before the date: 50%
Less than 4 weeks before the start date no refund will be made.

The facilitator reserves the right to cancel the course under any circumstances. Should this be the case you will receive a full refund.


If you have any queries about this form, or the course, please contact Gayle Creasey on 07941 279177


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